VIS Elements Archive and Restore Workflow

The top most folder "root folder" you want to archive must not contain any spaces or special characters

We recommend making a new folder without spaces and "archive" in the name. Then putting everything you want to archive in there. 

Every subsequent folder and file can have spaces and special characters in the file names. 


Example of top most "root folder" to be archived:

Note there are no spaces.


Every folder and file within that top most "root folder" can contain spaces and special characters: 


1) First, pick a locked final resting place for the archive folder you are about to submit. 

** You cannot move this folder or change it's name once archived ** 

** You cannot change file names or move anything within any sub-folders once archived ** 



2) Remember this top most "root folder" cannot contain spaces or special characters in the folder name. 

3) Right click that folder and choose: Run Job > VIS - S3 Archive

4) The Elements App will show "Running VIS - S3 Archive" as a job. 


Then "One Task Done" when complete. 


Each time you submit an archive job, you submit a job so you may see a queue of "Running VIS - S3 Archive". 


5) Now, notice that the files within that top most "root folder" are 0 KB in file size, and are appended with "file_name_example.elements"


Now that this has been archived, you cannot rename anything or move stuff around. 

They are in their final resting place. If you change stuff, Elements won't know where it originally existed when you try to restore and it will error. 


1) You can restore anything: top most "root folder", sub folders or files - as long as they do not contain spaces or special characters. 

Select the item you want to restore, right click and select Run Job > VIS - S3 Restore


2) Like with the Archive process, Elements App will show you the job running and when it's complete. 

3) When complete, refresh File Explorer. 

 Then you'll see your Restored files without ".elements" appendage and with file size.  

This Example shows a restored file: GFXTest_DNxHQ.mxf


You can modify previously archived folders, just restore a folder without spaces or special characters and fresh File Explorer. 

Then you can make changes to files and folders within that. 

Run an Archive after you make modifications. 

