Runway FAQs

Q: How do I get access to Runway? 

A: Please go to #help_runway in Slack to request access


Q: Is there insight on both creative and legal best practices on using Runway? Is this access currently for R&D only or can we use in live materials?

A: If you are intending to use Runway in broadcast or in a production, it is helpful to indicate to Broadcast Standards and Practices that this shot or piece of content contains AI generated content from FOX Corp's Runway agreement.


Q: Can we upload sensitive content (image/video) without fear that it may leak or be used to further train runway models?

A:  It will be important to use the FOX Corp Runway account please, as Runway will also be enabling domain verification (preventing the accounts with non-FOX managed accounts). Use of the FOX Corp account provides us the data and privacy protections for uploading FOX media.


Q: To confirm, Runway is legally cleared for use in actual deliverables? 

A: All Clear! Please use it and share how you are using it because it would be hugely helpful to justifying the spend and fun to show people. 

FOX AI policy: 

External/Commercial Use. Consult with your manager and Business Unit legal team prior to commercial or external use of any AI generated/manipulated output. In particular, consumer-facing uses may require legal disclosures (including that AI was used) and must be reviewed prior to publication. With respect to image generation, make sure to provide your Business Unit Legal Team with a record of: (1) the text prompt used to generate the image; (2) whether any image was uploaded for AI manipulation (Note: you should only upload images that you are certain Fox has IP rights to use); and (3) the resulting image output generated.


Q:  Is there any direct cost for using?

A: The FOX Corp agreement is managed by named user seats and credits. The credits are equally distributed by the user seats and are shared amongst the workspace where the user sits. There are no additional costs until your workspace runs out of credits. For more information please reach out to your Workspace Administrator in Runway.


Q: This is just not answering all of my really good questions, where else can I go? 

A: Please check out Runway's help center for the rest of those unanswered questions


Q: I have more questions about using AI in my work; how can I find out more?

A: Here is a link to FOX ai's use policy from OneFOX 

