How to create an IBM ID for Fox Entertainment Aspera

How to create an IBM ID for Fox Entertainment Aspera on Cloud. You should only have to do this once.


1.     You will receive an invitation to connect to our Fox Entertainment Delivery Portal.


 2.     Click sign in with IBM ID.


3.     Fill out all required fields.


4.     A code will be sent to you with the email you signed up with for verification.


5.     Log in with your IBM ID.

In this Account Workspace you will see your active accounts on the left. On the right will be your organized media. You can sort and move, add folders and rename if necessary. By checking the checkbox you can do the above actions or download the selected items. You can also upload files or folders from the Upload button in Blue.


If you do NOT have the Aspera Connect client installed you will be prompted to install it. Please follow the prompts and be sure to install the browser extension first. GOOGLE CHROME is preferred but will also work on Firefox. When getting a prompt to access files on your computer click YES and check the box for “Remember my choice for this site”. SEE IMAGE BELOW.



When uploading or downloading you can monitor your progress from the transfer window:

